
Breathe deeply. You are in good hands.

iILLewes , DE area with exceptional services to exceed the most demanding standards!

I have an extensive background in massage and body work and I am proud to offer a combination of modalities and techniques to bring you a truly relaxing and reinvigorating massage service. Treat yourself to a wonderful full body massage and rediscover the power of touch.

In addition, the following amenities and conveniences are offered to make your time with me more enjoyable...


Relax Your Body & Heal Your Soul 


Featured Items & Specials

120 minute Relaxation Massage  Photo

120 minute Relaxation Massage 

Relaxation massage is a traditional massage modality which employs effleurage (stroking) and percussion techniques. This is the classic massage style that has proven effective for years in providing stress relief, pain reduction, and increased mobility for trouble spots. Be sure to mention if you are suffering from any injuries or skin conditions before scheduling this service.   * Warning this is a Eastern Style Massage !!  Your chest/pecs, Groin muscle, hips and glutes will be deeply worked !!   *Please let us know if you need adjustments to your massage for you comfort level. 

60 minute Pregnancy Massage Photo

60 minute Pregnancy Massage

This specialized massage service is provided to help mothers-to-be with the aches and pains that accompany pregnancy. Sore feet, stress, back pain, and other symptoms can be positively influenced through massage. Our trained therapists have the knowledge and equipment required to provide a safe and effective massage for expecting women.   I have personally done over 1500+ Pregnancy Massages in my career !!

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